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Customize Zendro

Zendro offers multiple different ways to customize it to your specific needs.

Table of contents

  1. Graphql server
    1. Custom validations
    2. Patches
  2. Single page application
    1. Custom Pages
    2. Next.js Resources
  3. Add a new storage type
    1. Workflow
    2. Connection
    3. Basic CRUD operations
      1. Schema
      2. Resolver & Model
      3. Validation
    4. Operations for associations
      1. One to one
      2. Many to one / One to many
      3. Many to many
    5. Distributed models and adapters
    6. Extension in single page application
    7. EJS templates in code generator
    8. Test
      1. Unit test
      2. Integration test

Graphql server

Custom validations

It is possible to add custom asynchronous validation functions to validate your data. For more information see:

> custom validations


Custom patches allow the user to monkey patch functions and properties of the generated backend code. When running the code generator a skeleton patch file is automatically created for every data-model in /patches. Implementing functions there will automatically override default behaviour. An example patch to override <function_name> could look something like this:

data.prototype.<function_name> = function(...) {...}

Single page application

Custom Pages

Routes in the application automatically mirror the structure of the pages folder. The default static site contains a dynamic [model] route, with a home page (index.tsx) to display an interactive table of records, and one child route (item.tsx) to display data for a single record.

Overriding a model route with a custom page only requires to provide an appropriately named file within the pages folder. Because in Next.js predefined routes take precedence over dynamic routes, all requests for that model will now point to the new page.

In the example below, a custom books.tsx page is overriding the default /books route that would be otherwise provided by [model]/index.tsx.

├── [model]
│   ├── index.tsx
│   └── [item].tsx
├── books.tsx
├── index.tsx
└── login.tsx

Next.js Resources

To learn more about Next.js, take a look at the following resources:

Add a new storage type

If current storage types cannot fulfill user’ requirements, it is possible to add a new storage type in Zendro. Here is the guidance for that.


  1. Define some new data models according to the specification: Data Models. If user would like to introduce associations among data models, new data model definitions should also include definitions of associations. For distributed models and their adapters, please read this specification.
  2. Modify the storageType in new data model definitions. In specifically, according to the kinds of accesses in the new storage type, user can choose one similar existing storageType and replace the new storageType with that (replace targetStorageType for defined associations if necessary). For example, if the current storage type supports both read and write accesses, user can choose mongodb as storageType. And in templates of mongodb all APIs would be implemented. However, if the new storage type only supports the read access, then an existing storageType trino could be used. In this situation, respective APIs would be disabled. For instance, if user calls APIs related to write access in trino, error information like ‘Not supported by Trino’ would be thrown.
  3. Create a sandbox with zendro CLI. Please following the steps 1-3 in the CLI page.
  4. Add connection in Zendro by the node driver of the new storage type.
  5. Design the basic CRUD operations for a single record and operations for associations between records in generated templates of existing storageType.
  6. User can extend single-page-app for the new storage type as in this section.
  7. (optional) If user would like to submit a pull request for the new storage type to the main branch of Zendro, the modified templates should be translated into EJS templates in graphql-server-model-codegen. Besides, corresponding tests in backend should also be added.

How to add connection, APIs, EJS templates, SPA extension and tests in detail is described below:


  1. In connection.js file from graphql-server repository user can introduce the corresponding node driver and implement a setup function for the new storage type. Afterwards, user can extend addConnectionInstances method with the implemented setup function. Besides, user need extend checkConnections function, which is used for checking the connectivity for all storage types.
  2. In models/index.js user can add the new storage type object in the object definition of models. And this object is used for storing models according to different storage types. Moreover, user should create a new folder under models for new models in the new storage type and move all new models into the new folder. And it is necessary to correct the storageType in the object definition of each new model, because these models are generated based on other existing storage types. In addition, if there are defined associations, targetStorageType should also be updated to the new storage type.
  3. If user would like to use distributed models and adapters, it is necessary to modify the index.js file in the models/adapters folder. Similarly, user need add the new storage type object in the object definition of adapters. Besides, user need correct the storageType in the object definition of each new adapter, because these adapters are generated based on other existing storage types.
  4. In utils/helper.js user need extend functions initializeStorageHandlersForModels and initializeStorageHandlersForAdapters. By these two functions, the connected node driver, namely storage handler in Zendro context, would be assigned to corresponding models or adapters. Moreover, it is recommended to extend the createIndexes function. By indexes, the speed of fetching/writing records would be greatly improved.
  5. Execute zendro start gqs for local databases. Or execute zendro dockerize -u for dockerizing Zendro APP. Because currently user only needs to test the backend, user can comment zendro-spa service and add container information for new storage type in the docker-compose-dev.yml file. If there is no error in ./logs/graphql-server.log (local databases) or in the console (dockerized App), then the connection between models/adapters and node driver is successful.
  6. Create a new branch for the new storage type in graphql-server repository, then only commit changes for connection. Note, please do not commit model files, adapter files, schema files, validation files and patch files. Because these files are generated from code generators.

Basic CRUD operations


In Zendro, different storage types have various sets of operators for search. In specifically, there are four existing schemas of operators, namely GenericPrestoSqlOperator, MongodbNeo4jOperator, CassandraOperator and AmazonS3Operator. Meanwhile, considering StorageType compatability, user can choose one similar operator schema and substitute that into operator field in new schema files, which are stored in the folder schemas. And it is also possible to add your own set of search operators.

Resolver & Model

In general, it is unnecessary to modify new resolvers in resolvers folder. Besides, user need modify some relevant methods in new model files of models/new_storage_type folder.

In specifically, according to the kinds of accesses, APIs are classified into two categories, namely read access and write access. Moreover, two brief lists of APIs in different categories are in the following. And corresponding methods in the model level should be implemented.

  • Read access
API in resolver level method in model level note
readOne<model> readById data loader implementation
count<models> countRecords  
<models> readAll limit-offset based pagination
<models>Connection readAllCursor cursor based pagination
  • Write access
method in resolver level method in model level
add<model> addOne
delete<model> deleteOne
update<model> updateOne
bulkAdd<model>Csv bulkAddCsv

To implement most methods related to read access, it is recomended to familiarize pagination, order and search arguments in Zendro. And the relevant link is here. Afterwards, it is necessary to add some helper functions for parsing these arguments into statements or objects used in the node driver for the new storage type. For example, the method searchConditionsToMongoDb in readAllCursor method for mongodb storageType would parse the search arguments into a object which can be accepted by the MongoDB node driver. Similarly, orderConditionsToMongoDb and cursorPaginationArgumentsToMongoDb methods would parse order and pagination arguments into respective objects for query. And by these parsed objects, MongoDB node driver can fetch corresponding records from database and send them back to Zendro.


In validations folder there are some files for validating records in new data models. By default, user can keep existing validation files. If user would like to add more validation rules, the guidance is in this link.

Operations for associations

When user would like to introduce operations for associations among data models, some functions in the model level should be implemented according to the type of association and the new storage type. In specifically, according to the type of associations, there are four lists about association resolvers and corresponding methods in the model level.

One to one

If foreign key stores in current model, modify corresponding methods in the model level:

method in resolver level method in model level
<model>.prototype.add_unique_<assoc> add_<assocID>
<model>.prototype.remove_unique_<assoc> remove_<assocID>
bulkAssociate<model>With<assocID> bulkAssociate<model>With<assocID>
bulkDisAssociate<model>With<assocID> bulkDisAssociate<model>With<assocID>

Other relevant methods in corresponding associated models would be automatically generated.

Many to one / One to many

It is necessary to implement the following methods in the model level for models with many_to_one association type:

method in resolver level method in model level
<model>.prototype.add_<assoc> add_<assocID>
<model>.prototype.remove_<assoc> remove_<assocID>
bulkAssociate<model>With<assocID> bulkAssociate<model>With<assocID>
bulkDisAssociate<model>With<assocID> bulkDisAssociate<model>With<assocID>

For models with one_to_many association type, relevant methods would be automatically generated.

Many to many

For all models with many_to_many association type, the following methods in the model level should be implemented:

method in resolver level method in model level
<model>.prototype.add_<assoc> add_<assocIDs>
<model>.prototype.remove_<assoc> remove_<assocIDs>

Distributed models and adapters

Firstly, code for distributed models and adapters with ddm-adapter storageType would be automatically generated. Then user needs implement methods for adapters with new storage type, e.g. mongodb-adapter. And the path for adapters is models/adapters. In addition, the methods should be implemented for adapters and models are approximately the same. Hence, the lists of models’ methods in Basic CRUD operations and Operations for associations could also be the reference for new adapters. And only readAll method would not be implemented for adapters. Because Zendro only supports cursor based pagination for adapters, namely readAllCursor method.

Extension in single page application

  1. add new storage type in type StorageType from src/types/models.ts file, e.g. mongodb and mongodb-adapter
  2. add configuration for new storage type in getModelApiPrivileges() function from src/utils/models.ts file. In specifically, the configuration would include the following options:
    • operators ([String]): allowed operators in new storage type.
    • textSearch (boolean): enable searchbar. By default, Zendro would use ilike operator for search. If your storage type does not support ilike, please disable testSearch.
    • backwardPagination (boolean): enable backward pagination.
    • sort (boolean): enable sorting by columns
    • create (boolean): enable function for creating a record
    • update (boolean): enable function for updating a record
    • delete (boolean): enable function for deleting a record
    • bulkAddCsv (boolean): enable function for bulk adding records from CSV file
  3. test the extended SPA. For local databases, user can set up SPA by zendro start spa. If user use dockerized App, it is necessary to shut down current dockerized App by zendro dockerize -d. Then user needs to uncomment zendro_spa in the docker-compose-dev.yml file and dockerize Zendro App by zendro dockerize -u. If the SPA works well, user can commit the changes made in Step 1 and Step 2 in a new branch.

EJS templates in code generator

If user would like to generate code from new data model definitions, it is recommended to implement some EJS templates in graphql-server-model-codegen. And the guidance is as the following:

  1. create a template file named create-models-<storageType> in views folder, e.g. create-models-mongodb
  2. migrate basic CRUD methods from modified model files into create-models-<storageType>. Namely, replace the concrete model name and other model specific variables into EJS variables. Please consider the common EJS variables defined in getOptions method from funks.js file. In addition, create-models-mongodb could be an example of the concrete implementation.
  3. (optional) if in the new storage type user implements methods for associations, user should create a template file named create-models-fieldMutations-<storageType> in views/includes folder, e.g. create-models-fieldMutations-mongodb.
  4. (optional) migrate basic association related methods from modified model files into create-models-fieldMutations-<storageType>. In specifically, basic association related methods are the methods for associations without bulk operation. Similarly, common EJS variables are also defined in getOptions method from funks.js file. And the example template would be create-models-fieldMutations-mongodb.
  5. (optional) extend template views/includes/bulkAssociations-models with bulk operation methods for associations from modified model files.
  6. (optional) if user implements adapters in the new storage type, it is necessary to create create-<storageType>-adapter template, e.g. create-mongodb-adapter.
  7. (optional) migrate basic CRUD methods from modified adapter files into create-<storageType>-adapter.
  8. (optional) if user implements methods for associations in adapters, it is necessary to migrate these methods in create-adapter-fields-mutations and bulkAssociations-models templates.
  9. update the lib/generators-aux.js file. In this file, user can add the default database key for the new storage type.
  10. update the lib/operators-aux.js file. In this file, user can specify the operator schema in the new storage type.
  11. update the funks.js file. By this file code generator could match the storage types with corresponding templates. Hence, user needs add code for the new storage type. For example, user can search mongodb to locate correct locations for adding code. And the code to be implemented for new storage type should be similar as the matched code for mongodb storage type.


If user would like to contribute to Zendro main branch, it is necessary to commit new templates and add tests before submitting pull requests in Zendro repositories.

The test frameworks for backend are mocha and chai.

Unit test

For Zendro, unit tests mean that code generater can generate expected code according to the given templates. Hence, it is necessary to add data model definitions to be tested in graphql-server-model-codegen/test/unit_test_misc folder and expected code in graphql-server-model-codegen/test/unit_test_misc/test-describe folder. Apart from that, user needs add test cases for new storage type in file graphql-server-model-codegen/test/mocha_unit.test. And user can execute unit tests by the command npm run test-unit. In addition, the required unit tests in the model level would be the following:

  • Basic CRUD Methods: readById, countRecords, readAll, readAllCursor, addOne, deleteOne, updateOne, bulkAddCsv
  • Association Methods:
    • OneToOne: add one association, remove one association, bulkAssociation, bulkDisassociation
    • ManyToMany: add associations, remove associations
    • ManyToOne: add one association, remove one association, bulkAssociation, bulkDisassociation

Integration test

In integration tests functionality of APIs would be tested. Before the test, data model definitions should be added in the folder test/integration_test_misc/integration_test_models_instance2. Besides, user needs add the container configuration for new storage type in test/integration_test_misc/docker-compose-test.yml file, because the setup of integration tests is based on the docker and docker-compose. In addition, user needs update test/integration_test_misc/data_models_storage_config2.json file, which is the configuration file for default connection, for new storage type. Moreover, if the bulkAddCsv method would be tested, the corrsponding CSV files should be added in the folder test/integration_test_misc. Afterwards user needs create a new integration test file as test/mocha_integration_<storageType>.test.js, e.g. mocha_integration_mongodb.test.js. Besides, user needs update the test/testenv_cli file. Namely, user needs add the new integration file into the CLI file. For example, user can search mocha_integration_mongodb.test.js in the CLI file and add new integration file below the same if condition. To run the integration-test suite, user can execute the command npm run test-integration [-- OPTIONS]. To view the different integration-test commands and some examples, user can execute npm run test-integration -- -h. In addition, the list of concrete tests would be in the following:

  • Basic CRUD Operations: add operation, update operation, readOne operation, delete operation, CSV bulkUpload functionality, limit-offset pagination, cursor-based pagination, sort functionality, table template acquisition, data loader functionality, search functionality
  • Operators: like , notLike, iLike, notILike, regexp, notRegexp, iRegexp, notIRegexp, in, notIn, contains, notContains
  • Association:
    • ManyToOne: add one association, read one associated record, remove one association, bulkAssociation, bulkDisassociation
    • ManyToMany: add associations, read one associated record, remove associations
    • OneToOne: add one association, read one associated record, remove one association, bulkAssociation, bulkDisassociation

Note: If new storage type does not have write access or associations, it is unnecessary to add relevant tests. Apart from that, if user adds the distributed models and adapters, the similar tests should also be added. And tests for readAll method in adapters should not be added, because only cursor based pagination would be implementd in adapters, namely readAllCursor method.