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SQL statements in the data model

This document describes the SQL statements that are used for implementing CRUD functionality for models that are based on the sql storage type.

Zendro uses the promise-based ORM Sequelize to make the needed database calls. Sequelize provides a class Model to represent tables in a database, with the instances of this class being single rows in this table. In Zendro, the model classes are extended from this class.

We will use the model event from the Breeding API to see how the various Zendro commands are translated into SQL.

Table of contents

  1. Case ‘Create’
  2. Case ‘Read’
  3. Case ‘Update’
  4. Case ‘Delete’

Case ‘Create’

The following GraphQL command is given to Zendro:

mutation{addEvent(eventType:"Test Event") {eventType}}

This is transformed into the following SQL:

INSERT INTO "events" ("eventType","createdAt","updatedAt") VALUES ('Test Event','2020-06-03 13:01:11.715 +00:00','2020-06-03 13:01:11.715 +00:00') RETURNING *;

Case ‘Read’

The following GraphQL command is given to Zendro:


This is transformed into the following SQL:

SELECT count(*) AS "count" FROM "events" AS "event";
SELECT count(*) AS "count" FROM "events" AS "event";
SELECT "eventType", "eventDbId", "eventDescription", "eventTypeDbId", "studyDbId", "date", "createdAt", "updatedAt" FROM "events" AS "event" LIMIT 1 OFFSET 0;

Case ‘Update’

The following GraphQL command is given to Zendro:

mutation{updateEvent(eventType:"Test Event", eventDbId:"1") {eventType eventDbId}}

This is transformed into the following SQL:

SELECT "eventType", "eventDbId", "eventDescription", "eventTypeDbId", "studyDbId", "date", "createdAt", "updatedAt" FROM "events" AS "event" WHERE "event"."eventType" = 'Test Event';
UPDATE "events" SET "eventDbId"='1',"updatedAt"='2020-06-03 13:02:55.800 +00:00' WHERE "eventType" = 'Test Event'

Case ‘Delete’

The following GraphQL command is given to Zendro:

mutation{deleteEvent(eventType:"Test Event")}

This is transformed into the following SQL:

SELECT "eventType", "eventDbId", "eventDescription", "eventTypeDbId", "studyDbId", "date", "createdAt", "updatedAt" FROM "events" AS "event" WHERE "event"."eventType" = 'Test Event';
SELECT count(*) AS "count" FROM "eventParameters" AS "eventParameter" WHERE "eventParameter"."eventDbId" = 'Test Event';
SELECT "eventType", "eventDbId", "eventDescription", "eventTypeDbId", "studyDbId", "date", "createdAt", "updatedAt" FROM "events" AS "event" WHERE "event"."eventType" = 'Test Event';
DELETE FROM "events" WHERE "eventType" IN (SELECT "eventType" FROM "events" WHERE "eventType" = 'Test Event' LIMIT 1)